This document, Developing High-Priority Learning Standards: Rationale, Theory of Action, and Proposed Design Principles, was compiled to present the Texas High Performance Schools Consortium’s recommendations related to high-priority learning standards to the...
Digital Learning: Meeting the Challenges and Embracing the Opportunities for Teachers, a policy brief from the Committee for Economic Development prepared in cooperation with TASA and the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce, explains how digital learning opportunities:...
Participants of the Future-Ready Superintendents Institute, a group of 39 superintendents and senior-level district administrators in the early stages of their careers that came together in 2012 to understand, design, and initiate innovative systemic changes locally...
In August 2013, the Texas High Performance Schools Consortium published this paper, which provides history and background on the transformation movement as well as an outline of the Consortium’s work in the areas of digital integration, high-priority learning...