CoSN Digital Learning Blog, Latest News
The Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) and its Texas state affiliate chapter, The Texas K-12 CTO Council, are honored to support the work of current and aspiring superintendents and district leadership teams in leading all aspects of digital learning...
Digital Learning, Latest News, Organizational Transformation
The following article is from the spring 2016 issue of INSIGHT, the professional journal of the Texas Association of School Administrators. It was written by Tom Vander Ark, CEO of Getting Smart, a learning design firm, and partner in Learn Capital, an education...
Digital Learning, Latest News, Organizational Transformation
The following article is from the spring 2016 issue of INSIGHT, the professional journal of the Texas Association of School Administrators: Twenty years into the “anybody can learn anything anywhere” era, we’re inventing new ways to grow human beings. The opportunity...